Law Offices of Fisher Wise 

What are the Rules on Self Defense in Tennessee?

When someone threatens your life with deadly force, you have a right to stand your ground and defend yourself. In some cases, however, if you take someone’s life while defending your own, you could be charged with a crime.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

Understanding Evidence in a Criminal Trial

During a trial, the judge or jury will evaluate the available evidence, establish the facts of the case, and reach a verdict. However, the defendant's fate depends on the facts, strengths, and admissibility of the evidence presented at trial.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

Should I Still Hire an Attorney if I Think I’m Guilty?

If you are facing criminal charges and think you are guilty, you may be wondering if it still makes sense to hire an attorney. The short answer is, “Yes, it does.” Remember that you are presumed to be “innocent until proven guilty,” which means an experienced attorney may still be able to fight the allegations against you.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

What Qualifies as Solicitation of a Minor?

Solicitation of a minor in Tennessee encompasses many separate laws that prohibit those 18 or older from communicating with anyone younger than 18 about a sex act. The penalties are harsh, and almost all of the applicable laws are considered felonies. Worse, each communication with a minor constitutes a separate crime, so an offender who preys on one child might face multiple charges for what amounts to an ongoing series of communications.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

Ineffective Legal Counsel Can Have Costly Consequences

According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, there were over 127,000 people arrested in the state in 2020 alone. All of those people arrested deserve to have a skilled criminal defense lawyer representing their interests and protecting their rights, but all too often, people overlook how truly important it is to retain effective legal counsel.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

Divorcing Later in Life

Divorce is very common these days—but when it happens to you, it’s easy to feel like you’re going through it alone and it can be hard to see a better future ahead.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

Does Infidelity Affect My Divorce Case?

One of the more common reasons for the breakdown of a marriage is distrust. This usually manifests itself in infidelity. In terms of the law, adultery is recognized as legal grounds for divorce.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

Preparing for Divorce

The divorce rate for married couples in Tennessee stands at 12 percent. Maine tops the list at 14 percent, and California has the lowest rate at 9 percent. If you and your spouse are weighing your future options, including the possibility of divorce, there are several practical steps you need to take.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

Your Rights to Retirement Assets

During the property division in a Tennessee divorce, the divorcing couples must distribute their retirement assets, including pension plans and 401(k), between both parties equitably and fairly. However, evaluating and dividing retirement assets can pose different complexities due to the tax and legal implications.
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Law Offices of Fisher Wise

Finding Hidden Income & Assets

Let’s face it—going through a divorce is hard, even if you’re on relatively good terms with your now ex-spouse. But what happens when you don’t trust them to be honest about their finances? When going through a divorce, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of each other’s financial history for an equitable division of assets.
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